"Every child is an artist." - Pablo Picasso
Here at St George's we aim to deliver high-quality Art and Design lessons that engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. We give children a broad range of opportunities and experiences, including working with different media, learning new skills and being inspired by famous artists.
To support the learning that we do in dedicated art lessons, children in each class also access art resources within the provision. This gives them opportunities to experiment with new skills, practise things they have learned, apply skills to new contexts and deepen their understanding of art and artists. These enhancements allow the children to deepen and develop their own skills and interests in Art and Design, developing a love of artists and art and being inspired by works of art from a range of movements.
From Early Years to Year 6 children have independent access to their sketchbooks, paints, paper and other resources and are encourage to experiment within our continuous provision.
Art is celebrated around the school through assemblies, displays and Art Week, which is held once a year. The children all participate in a range of lessons and activities usually based around a theme and the work from across the whole week is then displayed in a real gallery setting in our local community for members of the public to enjoy.
Subject Documents |
Art Progression 2024 |
Design Technology and Art curriculum map 2024 25 |