Our School Vision and Values

At St. George’s C of E Primary Academy we strive to develop confident, resilient, positive, reflective children who love to learn, who enjoy coming to school and through the planned rich variety of experiences, develop the necessary skills for lifelong learning.

We offer pupils a dedicated team of staff who are committed to developing the knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding which will enable children to enjoy learning, achieve success and to feel contented and live life in all it's fullness. We ensure that our children learn about, and have confidence in, themselves as learners where they are encouraged to set goals and hold high aspirations for their future.

At St George's, our vision is at the core of everything we do. Our Christian values of Love, Inclusion, Guidance, Hope, Trust and Service underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, resilient, happy citizens who are prepared for lifelong learning.

As an inclusive, caring Christian school where every child matters deeply, we recognise that all children have talents and abilities to celebrate, and a part of our role is to help them discover and develop these. We value children as individuals, who through the experiences and opportunities we provide will build on firm foundations as they grow and gain a better understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our positive ethos is based upon our shared Christian values which are encouraged and promoted, through the way we conduct ourselves as well as being embedded in our curriculum.

Along with these, the British Values of Democracy, Law, Liberty, Respect and Tolerance are promoted in school through the curriculum, collective worship and by our Spirit Detectives. We are committed to serving our community and recognise the multi-cultural nature of our community.

Promoting British Values at St Georges

We are part of a British society, and it is important to us that children learn the universal principles of:

  • Self-help
  • Self-responsibility
  • Democracy
  • Equality
  • Equity
  • Solidarity
  • Openness
  • Honesty
  • Social responsibility
  • Caring for others

We strive to acheive our vision for all staff and pupils, by:

  • Creating an open, inclusive ethos where children and adults can be themselves, develop courtesy, respect and tolerance for others.
  • Promoting mental health and wellbeing through our curriculum as well as using in house and external agency support.
  • Promoting equality of opportunity outlined in our policies
  • Having clear expectations, where children  are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions

Our broad and balanced curriculum promotes our Christian vision and values as well as fundamental British values by providing opportunities:

  • to  celebrate diversity, different festivals and key celebrations in  the year
  • to work closely with our local churches (St Paul's and St Andrew's) as well as the chapel in Stonehouse Barracks to teach our children about the Christian faith.
  • to learn about cultures and faiths; how are we different from one another, and how are we the same and demonstrate our Christian values of love and inclsuion.
  • to learn about our nation and its heritage, for example, Remembrance service
  • to learn about key British leaders, explorers and inventors
  • to link with and learn from our local area
  • that encourage a  sense of community responsibility eg;  the local Church,  police and fire services etc..
  • to understand Plymouth as part of a global community; learning about and communicating with children from across the world