
Mrs Kelly Earnshaw (Head Teacher & SENCO)- Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Megan Nahavandi-Pour - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Anne Newall - Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Cari Dyson- Computing & E-safety lead


Keeping Safe (Safeguarding) is our main priority for our children and is reinforced to them throughout the school on a regular basis. It is part of a planned approach to ensure all children are aware of how to keep themselves and others safe.

Such activities will include:

  • People who help us
  • Stranger Danger
  • Road Safety
  • Fire safety
  • Beach Safety
  • Sun safety
  • Fire safety
  • Staying Healthy
  • Swimming lessons
  • E-safety
  • National Anti Bullying week
  • Relationships and Sex Education programme
  • Risk assessing
  • First Aid certificate 

If any parent/carer/ family member or member of our school community is concerned about a child they should make contact with the Safeguarding Leads in school or contact the social care Gateway on 01752 668000.

Online Safety

The development and expansion of the use of ICT / computing, and particularly of the internet, has transformed learning in schools. Children and young people will need to develop high level ICT / computing skills, not only to maximise their potential use as a learning tool, but also to prepare themselves as lifelong learners and for future employment.

There is a large body of evidence that recognises the benefits that the use of digital technologies can bring to teaching and learning. Schools have made a significant investment both financially and physically to ensure these technologies are available to all learners, more recently through significant investment in one to one devices.

At St George's, through our online safety policy and practice, we endeavour to ensure that children are safe and are protected from potential harm, both within and outside school.